Friday, February 4, 2011

Walk By Faith

Verse of the day: “Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks.” Philippians 4:6

So today was a beautiful day and yet I realized I haven't been enjoying my days like I should... I'm sure everyone has had a time in there life where they are waiting for some life changing news that just seems to be taking soooo long to arrive! For me, that life changing news is about the college of my dreams (which I am waiting sooo “patiently” for “the letter”.)...however I stumbled upon this bible verse and I just felt sooo relieved, because it's true! When I know God is in control of everything in my life, it relieves me to know that whatever happens, happens to bless me just like Romans 8:28 says “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him...” so I can rest assure that he has my future in his hands... I just hope I get into the college of my dreams! :) anyways I found this outfit a really casual but classy way to go to school on those days you just wake up and you decide you want to look nice but don't really want to spend too much time pondering what to wear :) hope every one has a blessed day :)

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